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Alexis Nybo

Alexis Nybo Profile Photo

Fertility Coach & EFT Facilitator

Alexis helps women who are consumed by their fertility journey to get off their emotional rollercoaster and start feeling like themselves again, so they can start living the way they want to and create a peaceful body that supports conception and beyond- right now.

Alexis is a Certified Professional Coach and trained in a mind-body technique called EFT Tapping. Alexis has 14 years of experience naturally intuiting and empathizing with patients in the dental industry. She took the leap to change to a more aligned and fulfilling career and began coaching her clients to achieve their personal and professional goals in 2017. Alexis discovered her fertility issues and redirected her coaching niche towards fertility in 2020. Having experienced the difficult impacts of infertility that bled into every part of her life physically, emotionally and spiritually, she felt it was her path to support other women.